Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time Management Lesson!

I think that one of the hardest thing about building your business is time management. If you're anything like me, I have grand plans for each and every day- everything that I *intend* to get done by days end. So why is it that most nights, I find myself laying in bed thinking about all the things I was hoping to get done but didn't? Honestly for me I think it comes down to time management.

I could come up with a million reasons why things don't get done... the kids are fighting, the dishes need to be put away, laundry folded, plants watered, floors swept, and on and on and on! I assume that most working mothers who also are trying to become financially not dependant on their employers struggle with the same issues. It seems that by the time I get off work, get the kids, feed them and do bed time- my day is shot and I'm exhausted- and really, just want to fall into bed- but this is my business work time. This is life though so I just have to work through it.

I've decided to try to restructure a bit- part of my problem is that I think I have more time than I actually do- and the time I do have, is not structured. SO... Here's my plan for this week:

~Make a list of things that need to get done this week.
~ Catagorize/prioritize them into what has to be done each day.
~ Plan each evening according to what is going on with the fam- to make sure I actually have time to complete the things that need to get done.
~ Make a list! Checking things off always makes you feel more accomplished.

Now.. the test... can I follow it?

I'll keep you posted!

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