Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Now that the Christmas rush is over...

I'm taking some time to plan the next year! I'm excited, yet nervous about what is to come...

Working on planning the next step of growing my business along with everything else in life.

My first goal is to post more often- and come up with more meaningful things to post- LOL!

Anyhoo- hope the New Year brings great things to all of you!

Thursday, November 19, 2009

New Stuff!

I'm really excited as my shop is growing more everyday! I have been swamped with orders, but wanted to post a new item that I found especially fun!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Checking in!

So it's been a very crazy couple of weeks at my house!

Sick husband, sick kiddos... child care provider out with foot surgery- all around busy-ness!

Anyhoo- I did manage to list a few new items that I'm super exicited about!

Some holiday ornaments- can be personalized too!

Check 'em out!


Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Happy Wednesday!

Ahh... mid week!

Just a quick store update- I'm offering free U.S. shipping on all items in my tile shop (shooptiles32.esty.com) for the month of October--- good time to stock up for Christmas!

I also listed some new items in my other shop (Signatureexpressions.etsy.com).. Here is my new favorite!


Halloween "BOO" Garland!

Monday, October 5, 2009

Kids Suck.

Ok.. I know this has absolutly NOTHING to do with my business, but I just have to say that kids suck. Someone stole my sons bike yesterday- right from our front door....in the daylight! I know that he should have put it away in the garage but still. Who would want his beat up bike anyway?

And it's not like he can't have a bike- he litteraly just made jazz band- and now has morning practice at 730...so he has to use it to get to school. Guess I'll be taking him to the store tonight to purchase a new one- gotta love unexpected $100 purchases!

Anyhoo- back to business!

Gotta love fall! The weather has changed and is now cool and crisp out- we were able to get Halloween up at our house- a yearly favorite of ours!

I've been busy creating some new items- hoping to get them up and listed this week!

I'll post links when I do!

Have a fantastic Monday everyone!

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Official!

Well... It's been a while since I've made any entries. I've been very busy with a fairly large wholesale order- the largest ever!

I am very excited to anounce that my coasters are now being carried in this shop:


Hopefully this is the first of many!

I'm exhausted, but excited!


Monday, August 31, 2009


As the school year approaches, I'm determined to be more organized this year! No more hectic mornings and crazy evenings. There are simply not enough hours in the day to be disorganized... at least that's my plan this week!

On the Etsy front-- many new items listed in my second shop this weekend (SignatureExpressions.Etsy.com)...and many more to come!

I have tons of ideas swimming around in this little brain of mine that will soon come to fuition!

Just a few of them...

~ Locker Chalk Boards
~ Chalk board magnets
~ Personlized kids storage tins
~ Votive candle holders....

I'll keep you posted!

Friday, August 21, 2009

So ready for the weekend!

Ah... made it through another week!

On the agenda this weekend:

Scrub house!
Get together with an old friend
Create new gift tags and garlands
Pull a few weeds

And last but NOT lease....
RELAX with a glass of wine!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Time Management Lesson!

I think that one of the hardest thing about building your business is time management. If you're anything like me, I have grand plans for each and every day- everything that I *intend* to get done by days end. So why is it that most nights, I find myself laying in bed thinking about all the things I was hoping to get done but didn't? Honestly for me I think it comes down to time management.

I could come up with a million reasons why things don't get done... the kids are fighting, the dishes need to be put away, laundry folded, plants watered, floors swept, and on and on and on! I assume that most working mothers who also are trying to become financially not dependant on their employers struggle with the same issues. It seems that by the time I get off work, get the kids, feed them and do bed time- my day is shot and I'm exhausted- and really, just want to fall into bed- but this is my business work time. This is life though so I just have to work through it.

I've decided to try to restructure a bit- part of my problem is that I think I have more time than I actually do- and the time I do have, is not structured. SO... Here's my plan for this week:

~Make a list of things that need to get done this week.
~ Catagorize/prioritize them into what has to be done each day.
~ Plan each evening according to what is going on with the fam- to make sure I actually have time to complete the things that need to get done.
~ Make a list! Checking things off always makes you feel more accomplished.

Now.. the test... can I follow it?

I'll keep you posted!

Monday, August 3, 2009

Life is Busy!

So, I've been meaning to post something every day- however, it's proving to be harder than I thought!~

I've often wondered what people find to blog about daily... I'm sure it'll come to me sooner or later- tonight I've been having fun talking with my friends on Etsy. I think later in the week I'm going to post a few of my favorite items found on fellow Etsian's sites! So come back and check it out!~

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Welcome to Said In Stone!

Although I work full time at a "day job", I am growing my Custom Vinyl Lettering business! Here you will find a mish-mosh of my day to day life- everything from my home life, to the ups and downs of running a business.

Please feel free to drop me a line and check out my website! Shooptiles32.etsy.com .

I'd love to create something for you- Christmas is coming!

I hope you enjoy your visit~


Under Construction....

Please keep checking back!

Blog soon to come!